I. Am huu thanh (Voiced):
/b/ as in 'rub' am /b/ nhu trong chu 'rub'
/d/ as in 'ride' am /d/ nhu trong chu 'ride'
/v/ as in 'drive' am /v/ nhu trong chu 'drive'
Some sounds are "voiced". You use your voice box to make voiced sounds. For example, the sound /b/ comes from your voice box. The final sounds in (I) are voiced.
Mot so am la "huu thanh". Ban dung thang quan cua ban de tao am huu thanh. Vi du am /b/ phat tu thanh quan cua ban. Am cuoi trong (I) la am huu thanh.
II. Am vo thanh (Voiceless)
/p/ as in 'sleep' am /p/ nhu trong chu 'sleep'
/t/ as in 'write' am /t/ nhu trong chu 'write'
/f/ as in 'laugh' am /f/ nhu trong chu 'laugh'
Some sounds are "voiceless". You don't use your voice box. You push air through your teeth and lips. For example, the sound /p/ comes from air through your lips. The final sounds in (II) are voiceless.
Mot so am la "vo thanh". Ban khong dung thanh quan cua ban. Ban day hoi qua rang va moi cua ban. Vi du, am /p/ phat tu hoi qua moi cua ban. Am cuoi trong (II) la vo thanh.
III. Cach Phat am cua duoi - s:
- rubs = rub/z/
rides = ride/z/
drives = drive/z/ - sleeps = sleep/s/
writes = write/s/
laughs = laugh/s/
Duoi -s duoc phat am /z/ sau cac am huu thanh, nhu trong (1.)
Final -s is pronounced /s/ after voiceless sounds, as in (2.)
Duoi -s duoc phat am /s/ sau cac am vo thanh, nhu trong (2.)
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Tat ca moi dong gop y kien, thac mac cua cac ban deu duoc giai dap. Cac hay dat cau hoi hoac dong gop y kien trong phan comment o cuoi bai viet nay.