Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Verb Tensenses - The Simple Present Tense With "BE"

The verb 'BE' = am / is / are.

It is conjugated as follow:

A. Affirmative Form( Dang khang dinh):
  1. I am ---- In short form( dang viet tat) : I ' m
  2. You are ----//---- You ' re
    We are ----//---- We ' re
    They are ----//---- They ' re
  3. She is ----//---- She ' s
    He is ----//----- He ' s
    It is ----//---- It ' s


  • I am his math teacher.
  • You are a doctor.
  • We are students in English class.
  • They are farmers from Vietnam.
  • She is a wise girl.
  • He is a naughty boy in my class.

B. Negative Form(Dang phu dinh):

Add "NOT" after AM / IS / ARE to make the Negative sentence.
Them NOT sau AM / IS / ARE de thanh lap cau phu dinh.

Short Forms:

I AM NOT <--------> I'M NOT
*Chu y: Ban KHONG viet ngan I'M NOT thanh I AMN'T

IS NOT <--------> ISN'T

ARE NOT <-------> AREN'T

For Example:

He is a naughty boy in my class(khang dinh) ------> He is NOT a naughty boy in my class(phu dinh)

C. Question Form( Dang cau hoi):

  1. Yes-No Question:( Dang cau hoi bat buoc ban phai tra loi "Yes" hoac " No"

    The Verb "BE" is at the beginning of the sentence:

    Are you Mr. Brown? Ong co phai la ong Brown?
    Yes, I am<---------> No, I'm not.
    Is she your English teacher? Co ay la giao vien tieng Anh cua ban a?
  2. WH-question:( Dang cau hoi bat dau bang tu de hoi)
    Tieng Anh co mot so tu dung de hoi khi ban khai thac thong tin ve van de, su viec gi do.
    Tu de hoi trong tieng Anh: Where (o dau), When (khi nao).....

    Where is Tom? Tom dang o dau.
    He's in the bathroom. Anh ay dang trong nha tam.

    When is your birthday? Sinh cua ban vao ngay nao?
    My birthday is on May 15. Sinh nhat cua toi vao ngay 15 thang 05.

* Chu y: Trong tieng Anh, tu de hoi nhu "Where", "When"... dung dau cau cau hoi

Chuc ban co mot ngay that vui ve. Neu ban co thac mac, dong gop y kien....Hay click vao "comment' o cuoi moi bai doc, dat cau hoi, hoac dong gop y kien. Chung toi se sang san giai dap thac mac cua cac ban, cung nhu rat tran trong nhung Y kien quy bau cua cac ban.

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